
I could have blogged about serving my country ... living in Europe ...
my wonderful husband, dogs, or horses ...
building a log home ... or myriad other things ...
but ... NO ... I am blogging about chickens!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What to do about Ossie's swollen eyes?

Ossie, the Black Marans is not doing so well.

His eyes are still swollen after a week of Sulmet (sulfa mixed with his water) and I have had to separate him from the others as it looks like they have been pecking at his back feathers (I haven't witnessed this but the feathers are bare in areas of his back). It did seem that he wasn't eating as much as the others and they would run him over while he was snoozing, so I seperated him.

The other birds are outside in their tractor, sleeping in a pet carrier at night while the coop is finished.

Ossie is mostly in a box in the garage with his doctored water and seperate feeder. During the day, when it isn't too hot, I put him outside so he and the others can see each other. I put his container right up against the end of the tractor. I hope this will make them stay familiar with each other so when he is stronger I can put him back with the others and they won't attack him.

I need to find a chicken doctor, or an experienced mentor to look at him and advise me of the best course of action. I have been looking at garden coaches.... I wonder if I can find a chicken coach??

I may have to post to one of the chicken bulletin boards to ask for advice.