
I could have blogged about serving my country ... living in Europe ...
my wonderful husband, dogs, or horses ...
building a log home ... or myriad other things ...
but ... NO ... I am blogging about chickens!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another one bites the dust

Sorry to say the Buff Bantam Cochin died. I don't know what was wrong - after the eye infection it just never recovered. A shame as it was rather cute - stayed a little puff ball of gold and had a great attitude...didn't seem to notice it was smaller than the others.

That leaves me with three chickens and three guineas...all still living in their respective brood boxes in the garage.

When I go downstairs to feed the horses every morning, I open the garage doos nearest the birds to air out the bird smell and give them some fresh air. After feeding the horses, I close the door and leave the overhead lights on. They are right inside the garage door so get daylight from the windows in the doors.

We need to get going on the chicken tractor and give them some fresh air.