
I could have blogged about serving my country ... living in Europe ...
my wonderful husband, dogs, or horses ...
building a log home ... or myriad other things ...
but ... NO ... I am blogging about chickens!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Here comes Ozzie

The Black Copper Marans is fierce - I think we will call it Ozzie - it reminds me of an ostrich - fierce eyes and a proud head.  I think it's a boy - the comb looks more developed than the Buff Orpington's.

He is bold - trying to get up on the water bottle. Trying to stare me down.

People will think he's named after Ozzie Obsorne ;)

I think the Orpington is a male as well  - there's considerable comb-like grown on its beak and forehead. The Wyandotte doesn't have any comb-like growth so my fingers are crossed at least one is a hen.

The Buff Cochin is just a little ball, not growing half as much as the others, but it is a Bantam. Could be either sex.

I pick them up each morning after I feed the horses and do any necessary stuff for the chicks (water, feed, freshen bedding, etc) . The I put the dogs out and get ready for work. The morning routine is developing.

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